To the right, a sort of Sidedish, but with leeks, to be fancy. And because we got them in our weekly Greenling delivery.
Appetizers: Spicy Pecans, olives, cute little gummy berries
Bacon Wrapped Asparagus
That potato-and-leek thing
Grilled lamb chops
And, because they were so itty bitty, grilled pork chops as well.
Dessert was Even More Candy
The potatoes and leeks got charry-caramelized, the pork chops were juicy, the lamb was silky, and the bacon-wrapped asparagus is now on my menu for Last Meal Ever. And I barely did any work at all, because I made the Grill-Geek cook it outside. Fabulous.
Like I would have let this meal be improperly cooked...
Ah, men... I love cultivating this sort of attitude because then I get to kick back and relax more!
Mmmmm Leeks. That looks awesome. I am going to have to go eat my tea now.
And to think... we just brew ours and throw out the leaves here.
I'm teasing... I think I know what you mean!
Eric hates asparagus. I bet I could get him to eat it that way though ... mmm bacon.
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